
A Study to Evaluate Participant Satisfaction and Natural Outcomes Following Administration of BOTOX Cosmetic Injections in Adult Participants for Treatment of Upper Facial Lines

Court résumé

Facial lines that develop from repeated facial expression, such as glabellar lines (GL), lateral canthal lines (LCL), and forehead lines (FHL), are typically treated by selectively weakening specific muscles with small quantities of botulinum toxin. The purpose of this study is to evaluate participant satisfaction and natural outcomes following the administration of BOTOX Cosmetic in adult participants with upper facial lines (GL, LCL, and FHL). This is an open-label study in which all participants will receive active study treatment. Around 100 adult participants with an assessment of moderate to severe GL, LCL, and FHL, will be enrolled at approximately 10 sites in the United States and Canada. Participants will receive BOTOX Cosmetic as intramuscular injections to the glabellar lines, lateral canthal lines, and forehead lines at Day 1. Participants will attend regular visits during the study. The effect of the treatment will be checked by medical assessments for side effects and questionnaires will be completed during regular study visits.

Étude Interventional

Upper Facial Lines
100 patients
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Numéro de protocole:
Modèle d’intervention:
Single Group Assignment
Mode ouvert ou à l’insu:
None (Open Label)

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Critères d’éligibilité

Attribut des participants:
Homme et femme


18 Years et plus.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Moderate to severe Glabellar Lines, Lateral Canthal Lines, and Forehead Lines.

- Sufficient visual acuity without the use of eyeglasses (contact lens use acceptable)
to accurately assess their facial wrinkles.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Presence or history of any medical condition that may place the participant at
increased risk to BOTOX Cosmetic or interfere with the study evaluation.

- Presence of tattoos, jewelry, or clothing which obscures or interferes with the target
area of interest and cannot be removed.

- History of known immunization or hypersensitivity to any botulinum toxin serotype.

Endroits où a lieu cette étude clinique